
Flashing LEDs

Hey Friends,  Even I don't know why I was feeling so depressed from the past few days. It is not right to call it depressed but yes it was a feeling in which I don't want to talk with anyone, and still want to talk. It is strange. This might be due to the environment today in which we all are surviving or it can be anything else. So, to come out of my despair, I went on to the terrace (the best place to heal myself according to me), looked for a while towards the sky, then a sudden flashing light caught my attention. Again, this can be because when you have darkness inside yourself, full of misery, you are more vulnerable towards brightness. After all, you are searching for it and the very moment you get a glimpse of it, you get attracted towards it, you want to join the happiness it shows to you. So, I also went in its direction, without knowing where I was heading. I was also trapped in the temptation which these flashing lights were providing. As soon as I get a stable state

Nature: Unmatched beauty & Disaster

Hello friends,   S o I got a perfect topic with great timing to discuss this. This is not very new to us, we all are very much aware of the tremendous disaster which had recently taken place in Uttarakhand. All are discussing it and giving it a term, "the act of God", I stop here because I don't agree and for sure many of you will not give it a nod. I had read an article in one of the local paper, that people were fighting for continuous construction activities and still their cases are continuing in court, I don't want to get into all these because what I believe and the reality is very close i.e. we will talk about it for 3-4 days and then wait for another 5-6 years to let such tragedy happen again or earlier than this because at this pace of human disturbances in nature can bring any other tragedy very soon. Well, I want to point on the sheer humbug behavior of concerned authorities. They do not allow local people to even cleave leaves, then it is usual to ask the

Loving Yourself

 Greetings of the day !! I hope you all are well and shining at your respective places. It is not required that all of us should shine but the important thing is we all should live life to the fullest. This was a quote which I had read on my friend's social media account and get inspired by it I wrote my own quote, Loving yourself is directly proportional to a lovely life.                            Source:   I personally follow it and believe that each of us should follow this. It helps to build self-esteem and above that, It helps to improve our confidence which many of us are finding somewhere. Confidence lies within but we need to evoke it and by loving yourself, accepting ourselves we can definitely easily do so. Let me share with you my experience , When my father was transferred to a city we were supposed to leave our small town. I was happy because as a child we all wanted to go out and explore new places. But when it comes to j